April 22, 2010

april 22nd

come on baby do the twist

the 21st

a very good day, despite the gloomy photo choice.

april 20th

open wide!

april 19th

part two of the where the wild things are inspired chuck pictures. aka...bah.

april 18th

althea opal

april 17th

found. platypus hat fabric. ohhh yes.

april 16th

sadly the only photo i took that day. via cell phone. ahh balls.

the 15th

had an unfortunate rear ending incident. the subaru's toast, but it's okay, i've got this bad baby to drive around. :"""""""""""""""( rip sheila, best car i've ever met.

April 14, 2010

april fourteenth

staging a painting assignment, salome with the head of st john by palma vecchio. eh, not really my thing. and my camera's MIA, so not really my grain either.

April 13, 2010

april thirteenth - the giddy and giggly one

can't tell if this smile is fake or not. but i am smiling on...the iiiinside, regardless :)

April 12, 2010

april twelfth (post ON april 12, miracles do happen)

project for photography inspired by invasion of the body snatchers, hahaha

april eleventh

curtain shadows

april tenth

summer's a-coming

april ninth

some iffy burning going on there. still needs editing

april eighth

by the end of the year i can just have a whole chuck section.

april seventh

what a terrible way to go.

April 07, 2010

april sixth

"a forest project" actually materialized! happy birthday eli, crazy genius that you are.

april fifth

so long until summer :(

april fourth

george in dux. one of my favorite pictures of the year.

april 3rd

lobster olympics? totally normal duxbury behavior.

april 2nd

helphaitihut?!! northeastern's toooooo big.

april first

sunshine is finally spotted in the bathroom at bowdoin...

the 31st

dartmouth, home of the "lovely room!"