February 28, 2010

the 28th

good day with kelly, except the parkville part...yeesh.
remember when we took these in ninth grade?

the 27th

accidental test shot. spent the entire day driving around baltimore alone trying to get from calvert street to the bma with only a tattered, ten year old map for guidance. it's a miracle i didn't kill someone.

the 26th

a long frozen bird on the back porch. it's just a conglomeration of matter, really. the life left its body a while ago.

the 25th

i'm not completely sure this counts as a photograph, but i'll remember the day better if i put this down than anything else.

the 24th

thanks chuck.

February 23, 2010

23 - photo project day!

not sure how i feel about it...it's supposed to be about transience...but it seems a little bit too AMBIGUOUS.


ahh webcam,


trees by house. not very interesting.

February 21, 2010

the 20th

the tacky barbeque restaurant at closing time.

the 19th

always almost never quite touching.

February 20, 2010

the 18th

alex en route to the towson courthouse :( in my sunglasses. HEY BABY!

the 16th

hottubbing it with the white children.

the 17th

more boring.

February 16, 2010

the 15th

this is what we call the dave reads the newspaper and sophie avoids presidential outlines picture. i look like i have a cleft chin...

February 15, 2010

the 14th

sunday crossword at the nautilus on valentine's day. jules, gabe, mike.

the 13th

rosemary tree. not very interesting.

the 11th

bleary eyed loft picture.

the 12th

belated birthday dinner at pazo because my friends are fantastic.

the 10th

winter head shave

the 9th...please note, this is not an accurate reflection of my emotions. i just like green and blue and shadows too much.

the 8th

genie's sometime in the very early morning.

the 7th

formerly known as blank number 2!...lomo fisheye. film is overrated.

the 6th

FINALLY blank number one is no longer blank.

why are there still no new pictures? what is the problem? ahh?

well, it seems that we have been off school for a week. because the blizzard of the ages decided to descend upon the baltimore/washington vicinity and screw around with the chronological order of my project. but have no fear. today is presidents day, and i will be back in school tomorrow, and before your know it the pictures will be developed. and i will never make the mistake of taking pictures on film again. well...that's probably not true. but anyways, my apologies.

February 07, 2010

block up

took a bunch of pictures with the new lomography fisheye thing this weekend (best birthday present ever, by the way)...have to develop them at school. good things come to those who waaaaaaaait.

February 06, 2010

the 5th

i like it best when something like that just happens on its own.

February 02, 2010

February 01, 2010


it was not intended to be photoshopped...i'm pretty anti photoshop. but then i was screwing around and trying to get it in black and white, and this just sort of happened. and i've decided that i like it. sooo there.

just a reminder -

to grace. YES, i am taking a picture everyday. NO, i am not uploading everyday. WHY? because i do not have that kind of computer/time access. thankkkks :)

the 31st

gray light new day leaks through the window...

the 30th

genie and i were going to go to this show, and then it snowed like CRAZY and we didn't feel like going out. so, instead of a really terrific picture of a bunch of hipsters going crazy over bad noise rock, i have yet another shot of one of my pets looking pensive. in conclusion, winter needs to be over.

the 29th

roadtrip to haverford and swarthmore! summary of the day:the prius is a scary car with a mind of its own, all of the eighth grade songs we are ashamed to like but know all the words to were played, and we did not eat nearly enough food. oh, and there was some weird hair going on just about everywhere.

the 28th

bookshelf by my bed. kids books = better than adults books.

the 27th

see the expression of joy on my face? FINALS. AH, AH, AH.